Our Mission…

Offering love and care to orphaned, disabled, and impoverished children. Through relational involvement and financial support, we are able to encourage and meet their medical, education, and residential needs.

“God spoils me. He knows that when I want to do something, it is for the well-being of the children. And then things start happening.”
— Sister Valeriana Garcia-Martin, Hogares Luz Y Vida

 What We Do…

Relational involvement…We go! All are welcome!!

Our time spent at the Hogar is full of holding and hugging the children!

Financial Support…monetary donations and gifts in kind


Money and goods donated to Love of Orphans go to the children.

Medical needs…they are numerous!


From life support to daily medical needs, we help provide the medical needs of the children.

Educational needs…from buildings to school supplies


The children love to hear stories!

Residential needs…buildings to equip and provide for Daily life


Food, housing, and clothes are provided in differing quantities and ways.